We handle privacy and privacy-sensitive data with care and do so within the limits of the General Data Protection Regulation and/or other applicable privacy regulations. In this Privacy Statement, we tell you how we process personal data, what purposes we process personal data for, how you can exercise your privacy rights and other information about how we handle personal data.
What is personal data?
Personal data is data that can be used to identify an individual or that can be linked to an individual. This Privacy Statement applies to all recruitment activities and to the website www.werkenbij-AutoBinck Group.nl in the context of recruitment and selection.
What purposes does AutoBinck Group process personal data for?
AutoBinck processes personal data for the recruitment and selection of new staff.
AutoBinck Group processes your personal data to enable an effective and efficient recruitment and selection process, including to:
- Compare your information with AutoBinck Group's current vacancies in order to assess whether a position of interest to you is available;
- Contact you to arrange job interviews and test and assess you (or have a third party test and assess you) during the application process;
- Invite you to an introductory meeting;
- Personalisation purposes, such as providing you with information about relevant vacancies (job alerts) based on the profile you create.
- Service purposes, such as contacting you and answering questions you have asked through the Website or any other channel;
- Complying with legal obligations;
- Development and analysis purposes. To further develop and improve our website, for statistical analysis and market research, such as anonymously measuring responses to our vacancies and sending anonymous surveys.
What personal data does AutoBinck Group process?
AutoBinck Group may process the following personal data for the above purposes:
- Contact information such as name, social security number (BSN), address, place of residence, date & place of birth, e-mail address, marital status and phone numbers;
- Educational and application data, such as curriculum vitae, cover letter, diplomas, grade lists, education, courses and results of assessments;
- Interaction data, such as IP address, surfing behaviour on the Websites, click behaviour and cookie ID.
Who does AutoBinck Group provide personal data to?
AutoBinck Group provides personal data to third parties only if this is permitted and if it is handled with due care. Personal data will only be provided to third parties if you have given your consent or if permitted under the General Data Protection Regulation or other applicable privacy laws. If and to the extent necessary in the context of the application, AutoBinck Group may contact its affiliated companies and/or individuals in this regard. For example, if the application process includes an assessment, we may use an external party to whom we provide your data for this purpose.
AutoBinck Group provides personal data to police, judicial or anti-fraud organisations, for example, where this is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or serves a legitimate interest of AutoBinck Group. In addition, AutoBinck Group provides data to parties that help it perform services for you.
These third parties may therefore be:
- Third parties involved in the application process (for example, if the application process includes an assessment);
- HROffice (part of Adver Online), an Application Tracking System (ATS) provider;
- Enforcement agencies (e.g., police, judiciary or anti-fraud organisations).
These parties may be located in the Netherlands, other countries within the European Economic Area or elsewhere in the world. If we store personal data outside the EEA, we will ensure an appropriate level of protection for the transferred data. We require that service providers take appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality and security of personal data.
How long does AutoBinck Group retain personal data?
AutoBinck Group does not retain personal data longer than necessary for the purposes listed above. Personal data may be subject to different retention periods for different purposes. We retain the personal data of job applicants for up to four weeks after the application process is completed, unless we have obtained your permission to retain your personal data beyond that time. In this case, we will retain your personal data for up to one year after the application process is completed. Once your personal data is no longer needed, it will be anonymised or deleted.
Your privacy rights
Request to access personal data
You can request an overview of the personal data processed by AutoBinck Group.
Rectification, erasure, restriction or transfer request
You can submit a request for the rectification, erasure, restriction or transfer of the personal data that AutoBinck Group processes about you. AutoBinck Group will comply with such a request if the request complies with legal requirements and guidelines. Please note that AutoBinck Group may ask you to resubmit or supplement your request, may refuse to comply with your request under certain circumstances, and may exclude certain personal data from such requests due to applicable (privacy or other) laws. You will receive the personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. In certain cases, we will transfer personal data to another data controller at your request, to the extent that this is technically possible.
If you indicate that you no longer consent to be contacted (through a particular medium), AutoBinck Group will include you in a file created to that end and your personal data will no longer be used for these purposes.
Contact with AutoBinck Group
The privacy rights which you can exercise (access, rectification, erasure, restriction or transfer request and right of objection) are described above. You can direct your request to the branch or service company to which you sent your information. You should clearly state in the subject line that your concern is privacy-related and what your request is. Bear in mind that AutoBinck Group will need to ascertain your identity. In some cases, additional information may therefore be requested.
Changes to this Privacy Statement
AutoBinck Group may make changes to this Privacy Statement. AutoBinck Group therefore recommends that you check for updates regularly. If you do not agree or no longer agree with this Privacy Statement (or changes to this Privacy Statement), you will not be able to (or will no longer be able to) make full use of our services and Websites.
Date of publication: 01 September 2023
About us
AutoBinck Group is a Dutch family-owned business focusing on mobility and energy. All our 1,700 employees work to ensure that AutoBinck moves in line with changes in the world, innovates and continues to lead the way. AutoBinck has now grown to be a leading player in the European mobility market. AutoBinck also invests in the accessibility of sustainable energy by making sustainability in housing (financially) available to all.
More about usAutoBinck Group
Stadsplateau 11
3521 AZ Utrecht - recruitment@autobinck.com
- +31 30 202 4500