What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on a visitor's computer by an internet page they have visited. These cookies can, for example, record the visitor's preferences, so that the internet page can be automatically adapted to those preferences on their next visit. Cookies (temporary or otherwise) may also be used to improve the operation of an internat page. AutoBinck Group cookies are secure and anonymous. They cannot collect personal information and are safe for your PC, laptop, phone or tablet.
How long do cookies remain on your device?
Most AutoBinck Group cookies disappear when you close your browser. Some cookies remain for between a few days and a year. You can delete them yourself at any time via your browser
Deleting or disabling cookies
You can always delete or disable cookies yourself via your browser settings. You can find an explanation of how to modify cookie settings under Help in most browsers. Please note that most websites will not work optimally if you disable cookies.
About us
AutoBinck Group is a Dutch family-owned business focusing on mobility and energy. All our 1,700 employees work to ensure that AutoBinck moves in line with changes in the world, innovates and continues to lead the way. AutoBinck has now grown to be a leading player in the European mobility market. AutoBinck also invests in the accessibility of sustainable energy by making sustainability in housing (financially) available to all.
More about usAutoBinck Group
Stadsplateau 11
3521 AZ Utrecht - recruitment@autobinck.com
- +31 30 202 4500